With the motto of ‘Inform, Communicate and Empower,’ Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) started its journey in the month of December, 2002. Based out of New Delhi and registered as not-for-profit under the “Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, the effort at DEF has been to find sustainable Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions including digital and new media to address digital divide in under-served and unreached regions and communities.
IT for Change (ITfC) is an NGO located in Bengaluru, India, that works for the innovative and effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to promote socio-economic change in the global South, from an equity, social justice and gender equality point of view.
Learning Links Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the quality of education, promoting innovation and developing future ready citizens. We promote skill development, inspire innovation and build entrepreneurial acumen with a vision towards driving economic growth.
We believe in building a society that is responsive to encouraging personal empowerment through skill development initiative and training infrastructure for the innovation and growth of the country. Our Financial Literacy program provide need-aligned development ofsociety with Financial skills for self-reliance, personal empowerment and productive participation in society.
Our aim is to partner closely with a diverse range of institutions and organisations to develop and assist strategies that address effectivelow cost training and support on entrepreneurship and business development in vulnerable and under developed communities.
To know more about our work reach us at https://www.learninglinksindia.org/
Our Domains:
Education Solutions
Skill building and Entrepreneurship
Technology and Innovation
Consultancy and Advisory
About SamVaad App
The App provides Learning Experience which aims to impart functional skills of financial literacy on smartphones.
This app provides Financial Literacy content in the form of videos and manuals in 10 different regional languages, designed for the digital learning program more so for the rural population.
Long Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dlp.bluelupin.dlp
Short Link: tiny.cc/xbe0ez
Please ensure maximum download of the app for offline learning experience
About IVR
IVR is a post training feedback mechanism with aim to develop the program as per beneficiary feedback. It’s a free of charge calling mechanism where dialler to give a miss call on provided number to record their feedback.
IVR NUMBER: 1800 121 4466